
Hot Days, Summer Breezes & Monsoon Rains

I have to laugh at myself, after a tough last few months of winter, I had this crazy idea that I would have a lazy summer filled with crafting and cooking!

I must have forgotten for a split second that I have children! Two very, very busy boys that need to be moving, especially my little guy. And interesting things have been happening, and I want to share but alas, I have no time to sit and organize my thoughts. I am hoping to catch up on emails at the end of the week as I will be traveling for a wedding.

And the business of weaving. I really thought I'd have both these backstrap woven projects done by now, but not a chance. I can safely predict that they probably won't be done until September, so you see, no new backstrap projects till then. I have many ideas floating around in my mind, but I don't want to get too many projects started. And I've committed to producing other projects too.

So I'll share some pictures, and well, I'll see you in August :)

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