
Books & Yarn

Yarn Along 11/6/2013 

I am nearing the end of this project! It has taken me a bit longer to finish than I wanted, but not because of the pattern or knitting. Finding time to sit and knit has been challenging! Mostly, I've been working on it when I get together with the girls to knit. I have about 10 rows to go, finishing the picot edge on the other side of the cowl (the top).

Yarn Along 11/6/2013 

The pattern is Willow Cowl and I can finally tell you what the yarn is: Studio June Yarn, Eight Bells, 100% superwash Merino, 8 ply heavy fingering weight, color TRUE NORTH. I feel like I bought this yarn at the Loopy Eve in Colorado, but I am not entirely sure. I am loving this colorway! I did alter the pattern a bit, thinking I wouldn't have enough yarn, but I now see I could have done the extra rounds, and just made it.

Yarn Along 11/6/2013

I am still reading the same book, and probably will for awhile. I am chugging my way thru a manual of sorts that I will talk about next week (smile).

Yarn Along 11/6/2013 

Finally it has turned cool here in New Mexico, but we still need to prep our heater. We wait until we can't stand it anymore, and that time is nearing. At 3 am we are starting to find it chilly, and it wakes one of my sons up!

Joining Ginny over at the yarn along.....


Nature's Bouquet

open space

Lately we've been taking the boys to the various open space areas for "hikes". We really just walk, but that is good enough. I've been craving a bit more vigorous hike, but the reality is that my older son just can't with his physical limitations. But give him some flat open land to walk on and he can cruise!

nature - open space

nature - open space

nature - open space

I have a habit of collecting while I walk (don't we all?). My eyes just can't help it, they go and bam, there is something I just I need to pick. Often it's feathers. And there is a project or two in the works for some of the bits I've collected on the way. My oldest is completely disinterested in collecting (he is more concerned with the critters that jump, buzz, and fly). But my youngest has taken to collecting a bit, mostly acorns and pine cones.

nature - open space

So I've gathered these bits, and when I can find my favorite vase (it's hiding somewhere), I will put them together with some sorghum I have hanging, dried.

  open space

Feeling Like Autumn

.autumn's warmth shifting my energies inward....




Books & Yarn


I have finally some time to join the yarn along over at small things! My toddler is always curious, exploring the world, leaving me little time for the web. When I do find some time, with the shift in weather, I find myself drawn to my weaving and knitting, reading, and cooking autumn-y meals.


One of the projects I am (slowly) working on is the willow cowl. I'm not sure what yarn I am using for the tag is stuck in the middle of the center pull ball, but I'll be sure to update when I post the finished project to ravelry!


As for reading, I can't tell you how many times I've read this book. Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati is the first installment in a series. I assume it's classified as a historical romance, but I am drawn to it because it takes place in the region I grew up. It transports me to the landscape I fondly remember, and sometimes miss.

Hopefully I will be back for the yarn along next week, until then, enjoy the beauty of the earth shifting inward!
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