
Nature's Bouquet

open space

Lately we've been taking the boys to the various open space areas for "hikes". We really just walk, but that is good enough. I've been craving a bit more vigorous hike, but the reality is that my older son just can't with his physical limitations. But give him some flat open land to walk on and he can cruise!

nature - open space

nature - open space

nature - open space

I have a habit of collecting while I walk (don't we all?). My eyes just can't help it, they go and bam, there is something I just I need to pick. Often it's feathers. And there is a project or two in the works for some of the bits I've collected on the way. My oldest is completely disinterested in collecting (he is more concerned with the critters that jump, buzz, and fly). But my youngest has taken to collecting a bit, mostly acorns and pine cones.

nature - open space

So I've gathered these bits, and when I can find my favorite vase (it's hiding somewhere), I will put them together with some sorghum I have hanging, dried.

  open space

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